My Cattery
The Cat Fanciers Association(CFA)とThe International Cat Association(TICA)に登録し、清潔でよい環境の中で、健康でフレンドリーなロシアンブルーの繁殖を目指しています。
We, "The Starchild Cattery" are located in Tokyo, Japan.We are breeding lovely, healthy and gentle Russian Blue Kittensas our feline family members. Fortunately, we have a good partnership with prominent Japanese and American breeders. As such, we always provide excellent kittens. We are breeding kittens as promising cat-show champions, but we are really putting priority on their being adopted by families who love them deeply and care for them gently. If you are interested in our kittens,
we strongly recommend that you come to our whether to adopt from our feline family based on our cattery. This is because we think that you should decide on whether to adopt from our feline family based on our breeding environment and the cat's characters and features. If you have any questions, please send an E-mail. (Warning) Commercial based adoption, like adoption to professional breeding, retailers, etc. is not permitted by our cattery.
Russian Blue
ロシアンブルーはミディアム・サイズの短毛の猫です。骨格は華奢で、ボディーはとても優雅なラインです。そして、コートはもちろんブルーです。シルバーティピングが毛先にあるのでボディー全体が銀色に輝いてみえ、ダブルコートで厚 く光沢があり、非常に豪華です。
ロシアンブルーは昔、ニコライ1世に愛されたといわれています。それからイメージすると、原産はロシアかと思われがちですが、実際のところはよくわかっていません。その後、バイキングが好んで、イギリスに持ち込んだ・・・と言う説もあります。華奢でスリムなボディーで、大きめの耳が頭の横に開きめに付いていて、それがピンクにすけているように見えるのも、「冬の妖精」と呼ばれるところだと思います。性格は少しシャイな子もいますが、十人十色というように、社交的な子もたくさんいます。どちらにしても、飼い主さんには非常によくなつき、忠実です。 性格もおとなしく、めったに鳴き声をださない、ミステリアスなとても美しい猫です。
The Russian Blue is a medium-sized cat with short hair. It's build is slender and its figure is very elegant. It's hair is, of course, grayish blue. Because of silver tipping on the top of each piece of hair, its whole body shines like silver. Its hair is thick, brilliant and very gorgeous. The contrast between its fascinating hair and clear green eyes along with its graceful nose and noble profile give it an aristocratic air.
It is said that the Russian Blue was much loved by an Russian Emperor,Nicholai I.The legend makes its easy to see that its place of origin was Russia, but its origin was not certain until recently. Another legend tells the story of Vikings who loved the Russian Blue's slender
body and sheer pink ears, you can easily understand that it used to be called the fairy of winter. The characters of Russian Blues have much variety.
Some are very shy while others are very sociable. Even so, every Russian Blue is easily tamed and loyal to its owner. This mysterious cat seldom mews and has a beautiful figure. We are very confident that if you like cats, you'll love the Russian Blue. Don't hesitate contact us now!!